2014 Edition

Pygmées de Centrafrique

Pygmées de Centrafrique

Section: Selection Officielle, Hors-Compétiton

Country: Central Africa

Production Year: 2012

Runtime: 30 Minutes

Director: Dieudonné Keté

Screenwriter: Dieudonné Keté

Cinematographer: Dieudonné Keté

Editor: Dieudonné Keté

Print Source: cinecom_laroche@yahoo.fr

Synopsis: In Central Africa, the Pygmies have lived happily in the great equatorial forest.  The most were indifferent to the civilizations of Europe and Africa and continued to live as in the past. But during the last fifty years, logging companies and deforestation forced the pygmies out of the forest, making them facing discrimination and various diseases.